5-12-2014, 11:41 Category: English, Media Diversity, News
The event was organized by the School of Peacemaking and Media Technology of the Network of Social Mediators with the financial support of the Freedom of Information Program of Soros Foundation – Kyrgyzstan as part of the Encouraging Diversity through Media project.
About 50
representatives of authorities, media, international organizations, foreign
media experts, scientists, teachers and linguists discussed the issues of
sustainable development in diversity terms, authority participation, media and
civil society in the establishment of national identity, the unifying role of the
state language in polyethnic Kyrgyzstan.
The list of all presentations are available here
The conference was held as discussions and six master classes dedicated to new methods of Kyrgyz language teaching, creation of multilanguage content, promotion of diversity in the media, on the internet, in cinematography and art. Invited teachers and university students of Bishkek took part in master classes and had an opportunity to improve their skills in regard to their points of interest.
Content analysis of diversity coverage in broadcasting, print and online media performed by the School of Peacemaking in September-October 2014 showed that journalists started to pay more attention to the intercultural dialog; their reports and articles became more varied in terms of ethnic representation. The journalists were found to raise often the diversity issue in the news by focusing on official and cultural events, and also to discuss the mission of the state language.
Farid Niyazov, advisor to the Kyrgyz President, speaking at the conference, noted that diversity could become the basis for sustainable development of the country due to the uniting role of the state language.
"As soon as representatives of different ethnic groups start speaking Kyrgyz, they will open doors to tremendous development of Uzbek, Korean, Dungan, Russian and other languages,” he said. "Respect to the country and state language is the best scenario for development of diversity and civil identity”.
Zurab Dvali, media
expert from Georgia, where there is only one state language, but support is
provided to education and media in five languages spoken by ethnic minorities,
shared his experience in motivating the nationals learning the Georgian in his
country. "If a young man wants to develop his career, he will need to speak the
state language”, Dvali emphasized.
At master classes, the media expert presented the tools and methods of creation of multilanguage product by the example of the Georgia Public First Channel, which could be applied in Kyrgyzstan.
"I attended three presentations and was impressed the most by the Georgian experience”, Zairbek Ergeshov, expert of the department of ethnic, religious policy and interaction with the civil society of the Presidential Administration of the Kyrgyz Republic, told. "It is through languages and media that Georgia is forming the united civic nation. They also have five million nationals just like Kyrgyzstan. They are a multinational country with public TV channel, which news and programs pay attention to the languages spoken by ethnic minorities. But in our country we have TV programs in two languages only, with no captions.”
Batma Topoeva-Stavinskaya, head of the KYRGYZTEST department of the National Center at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic, presented the new system of evaluation of knowledge of the Kyrgyz language, which will become compulsory upon graduation from high schools, admission to universities, and admission to the civil service. The participants of the master class had a chance to test their language level.
When discussing the implementation of multilinguism in Kyrgyzstan, participants of the conference indicated the lack of staff teaching Kyrgyz, the need for implementation of interactive methods into the training process for non-speakers, and the need for development of open educational online resources. Such innovative forms would make it easier for non-speakers to learn the language.
Samagan Aitymbetov, director of the CA-news.org agency, called attention of the participants to the prospects of development of Uzbek-language online content, which, according to him, is in demand not only in Kyrgyzstan, but also in other countries. According to web statistics, the Uzbek version of CA-news.org is visited by 20 thousand people every month and the number of Uzbek-speaking audience is growing fast.
"Nowadays, internet projects have no limits since language content, especially Uzbek, is in demand throughout the world, especially in terms of the situation in Uzbekistan with the increased censorship and few independent news websites,” Aitymbetov said.
A switch to digital TV in 2015 will become one of the ways to promote language diversity. According to Aizada Borubaeva, head of the office of communications and information support of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Kyrgyz Republic, TV will have an opportunity to provide the people with programs and films in several languages, including sound and captions.
Film expert Gulbara Tolomusheva
cited Kurmanjan Datka film saying that a film can inspire the audience
regardless of its ethnic background, and make everyone involved in the dramatic
"The film has stirred up a wave of interest to the national history since many people would study thoroughly the historical records before going to the theater,” Tolomusheva noted.
The positive role of art in tolerance development was emphasized by the
excerpt from performance "The spring of love on Sulaiman-Too” represented by namely
actors of "Tunguch” theater led by honored artist of the Kyrgyz Republic Zhamal
Seidakmatova. According to her, the main point of the performance was that
hostile attitude to each other resulted in tragedy.
The conference resulted in the resolution containing recommendations on diversity policy promotion given to the authorities, media and civil society.
The conference was the final stage of discussions held under the Encouraging Diversity through Media project.
The Encouraging Diversity through Media project is focused on content development, strengthening of constructive role of the media in an interethnic dialog, improvement of journalists’ professional skills covering cultural, linguistic, and ethnic diversity.
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Within the current context, media and journalists in Central Asia face the following dilemmas: How to cover issues happening in Afghanistan now? How to communicate information to the audience while describing the Taliban, whose image has been presented mainly in reports on terrorist attacks for almost 20 years? Can journalists offer audiences updated and redesigned narratives about a seemingly ex-terrorist group, while complying with standards and ethics?
Conflict-sensitive approaches, peace and solutions journalism tools, and new media formats can help create strategies to offer audiences a sufficiently clear and objective story.
Not Terrorists Anymore?
Kazakhstan was the first Central Asian country to officially remove the Taliban from the list of banned terrorist organisations. President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev said Astana took this step based on "the importance of developing trade and economic cooperation with present-day Afghanistan and understanding that this regime is a long-term factor”.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan soon reported the same decision, emphasising that it was "aimed at strengthening regional stability and maintaining a dialogue”.
In mid-September 2024, the media reported on the "unofficial visit” of the head of Tajikistan’s State Committee for National Security Saimumin Yatimov to Kabul and his meeting with the Taliban security chiefs. It was noted that the visit was made to "strengthen bilateral relations between Tajikistan and the Taliban”.
Official Dushanbe has not yet made any statements on this, however, at the time of writing this article, the Taliban were not on the list of terrorist and extremist organisations. Economic interests play their role. Tajikistan exports electricity to Afghanistan and has reopened five markets in border towns where goods are traded on both sides. Foreign trade turnover between the two countries totalled about $46 million in the first six months of 2024.
In Uzbekistan, the Taliban were not included in the 2016 list of 22 terrorist organisations banned by the Supreme Court of Uzbekistan. After the Taliban came to power, official Tashkent opened the Uzbek-Afghan border for the delivery of essential goods and humanitarian aid.
This August, Uzbek Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov visited Kabul. According to media reports, Aripov met with Taliban leaders and discussed bilateral relations and strengthening trade and business between the two countries. As a result, five trade and investment agreements were signed in the energy, agricultural, and industrial sectors.
Turkmenistan had been in contact with the Taliban representatives even before they came to power amid growing tensions over the paramilitary attacks across Afghanistan. On September 11, 2024, in the border town of Serhetabad, Turkmenistan and the Taliban representatives relaunched the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) Natural Gas Pipeline Project. This large-scale project was first initiated almost 10 years ago.
The pipeline is expected to transport up to 33 billion cubic metres of natural Turkmen gas to South Asia annually.
On the one hand, the Central Asian region is becoming an important partner for Afghanistan offering infrastructure and trade projects and increasing cooperation with the regime in Kabul. This cooperation is taking place despite violations of the rights of women, girls, and minorities, restrictions on media freedom, arbitrary executions, and active calls by the UN and other international human rights bodies to put an end to such violations. The regime’s representatives in Kabul are still on the UN Security Council Consolidated Sanctions List.
On the other hand, Central Asian countries are concerned about security issues.
For example, in early September, a suicide bomber, a member of ISIS (an organisation banned in Central Asia), detonated an explosive device near the Kabul prosecutor’s office killing 6 people and injuring 13.
This fact and the length of the common Central Asian border with Afghanistan, which is more than two thousand kilometres long, pose a danger of infiltration into the region by members of ‘sleeper terrorist cells’.
Where Do We Start?
Define the unified terminology you will use in reporting on Afghanistan-related topics.
How should we describe the formerly banned and terrorist Taliban movement now?
Refer to international documents. Look up the UN-used terminology in the Case Law Database. In the latest speech of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk, the regime in Kabul is referred to as the ‘de facto authorities’. This is quite a correct phrasing as it does not legitimise the authorities but only shows the reality.
In statements and reports of the European Union, the authorities in Kabul are called ‘the Taliban’. Many foreign media – BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, and others – also use this term. For the Central Asian media, it is less acceptable because for several years, the phrase ‘the Taliban’ was necessarily labelled in brackets as ‘the terrorist and banned movement’.
The following is a list of terms that may be acceptable to use.
To use definitions correctly, it is necessary to update editorial guidelines and compile a list of terms for reporting on Afghan issues.
More precise terminology is necessary to create a balanced and impartial narrative when describing events related to Afghanistan.
What Events Should I Select for Reporting?
The most suitable topics may include:
Human Rights and Other Sensitive Topics
Many media avoid reporting on this sensitive issue amid Central Asian countries’ selective cooperation with Afghanistan. However, reporting on human rights violations is a journalist’s ethical obligation.
The exclusion of women and girls from education and employment opportunities, as well as from public spaces, continues in Afghanistan. Extreme forms of violence occur. In addition to forced early marriages and sexual violence, the Taliban has adopted a decree on public flogging and stoning women to death.
The UN Women estimates that since the Taliban came to power, they have adopted 70 documents restricting women’s rights and freedoms. Such policy is carried out with no regard for the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, which Afghanistan ratified in 2003.
At the end of August 2024, the law on ‘Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice’ was announced by the de facto authorities, which prohibits women from saying anything out loud in public and demonstrating their faces outside the house. This law cements policies that completely erase women’s presence in public – depriving them of their autonomy, attempting to render them into faceless, voiceless shadows.
Pay attention to the following topics:
Use Teamwork to Prepare the Material
Teamwork and cross-border reporting are great methods to gather information from different sides. Create a team of journalists and experts from several countries, including Afghanistan. Identify the topic and the person responsible for finalising the gathered information.
Citations, Statistics, and Online Resources
To keep up to date, create a similar list of Afghan media and keep track of the information. Pay attention to Afghan media amu.tv, which is based abroad. It has a separate constantly updated section on cooperation with Central Asia.
When reporting on violations of women’s rights and violence against women, in addition to using international reports, monitor incidents of gender discrimination on Rukhshana.media. This is an Afghan women’s media organisation created in memory of Rukhshana, a young woman stoned to death in Ghor province for running away after a forced marriage.
Be careful with citations. If you are going to use official press releases, it will be necessary to give some explanation in brackets after phrases such as ‘Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan’ (note: This is the title of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan used by the de facto authorities since 2021), etc. The same should be considered when republishing materials from Afghan official media. If you use Russian-language versions of Afghan websites, it is worth double-checking the information several times, as problems with translation accuracy are common.
If references to Afghan statistics are needed, you can use data from the National Statistics and Information Authority (NSIA). However, there is no comprehensive information available. There is a lack of data on the ethnic composition of the population. This problem dates to 1979, the last time a population census was conducted. After a failed attempt in 2008, another census began in 2013 and was expected to be completed in six years. According to the Minority Rights Group, it was decided that the census would not include questions on language or ethnic background for fear that the results would be too politicised and lead to another failed census. However, the census was never completed.
What Background Information Should Be Used?
Reports on issues in Afghanistan should always contain background information to better explain to the audience what is happening. Since the Central Asian aspect is more focused on the events after August 2021, it is necessary to mention the process of peace negotiations in Afghanistan, why all the conditions of the Peace Deal were not fulfilled, and how the society lived before that.
For example: "De facto authorities came to power in Kabul after the previous Afghan government led by President Ashraf Ghani collapsed amid the US troops withdrawal from the country in August 2021. Earlier, in February 2020, a Peace Deal was signed between the US and the Taliban in Doha (Qatar) after more than eighteen years. The Deal addressed a reduction in violence, withdrawal of foreign troops, the start of intra-Afghan negotiations, and guarantees that Afghanistan won’t again become a refuge for terrorists. However, the Taliban failed to fulfil several conditions of the Peace Deal. The Taliban was formed in Pakistan in the 1990s after the Soviet Union’s troops withdrew from Afghanistan. Many of its early militants were trained in Pakistani madrassas. After NATO troops’ deployment, Pakistan gave the Taliban refuge”.
Such background can be shorter or longer according to the topic you are reporting on.
If the material is to cover the state structure of Afghanistan, the focus should be on comparing the Constitution of the country legally in force since 2004 with the draft Constitution that de facto authorities proposed and then abandoned.
It is also important to note that Afghanistan is a party to several international conventions, such as the Convention Against Torture and Other Forms of Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment (1984), the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (1979), the International Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (1965), the Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006). In addition, the country ratified the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966), the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture (2002), the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the involvement of children in armed conflict (2000), the Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child on the sale of children, child prostitution, and child pornography (2000). Explore the report describing the impact of the situation on human rights.
It is necessary to use the links to these documents in the context of human rights reporting.
Visual Design of the Materials
When using visuals, such as illustrative photos or collages, it is important to consider the nuances of traditional dress that identify different groups. If you want to show a group of Afghan men wearing dastmols (Persian: دستمال) – traditional headscarves, you need to know that these are most often soft-textured, black, grey, white, brown, mixed tones of these colours, or brown and turquoise scarves in a checked pattern.
The group of people from the de facto government can be identified by the white or black turbans on their heads. If it is not possible to find original photos, search for such illustrations.
A man wearing a red and white chequered scarf of hard texture represents Arabic or Middle Eastern style and the use of such an illustration would be wrong.
When designing visuals for the material on women’s issues, it is correct to refer to a woman’s head and face garment in the Afghan dialect as chodari (Persian: چادری) rather than burqa. It is most often a blue-coloured garment, but other colours are also found.